Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Week 9 Photo Challenge: Food

This week’s photo challenge was to photograph food. When I think about food photography, I think of food that has been prepared and set up “perfectly” in a studio or on-location situation. These are the photographs that usually entice people to eat at a restaurant.  I decided to use a different and more photojournalistic approach due to the time constraints I was under this past week. My husband participated in a 100 mile ultra marathon run in the Wasatch Mountains of Utah. He was able to finish this 36 hour race in 31 hours and 21 minutes. After most races there is an award ceremony, and along with this one there was food prepared for the runners and their crews. It maybe was not the most enticing food around, but it was a meal the runners could handle. There were a few tables that held a variety of sandwich breads and the dressings needed to go on top. At first I was not going to photograph this, but then I decided to due to the bringing together that went along with the event. I was intrigued at the way all the people were “gathering up” their food and conversing with other people that they did not know. I just know they all had something in common and having this food ready for them gave them a chance to get to know some people. It’s amazing throughout generations what the bringing together of people and food can do. I did not want faces in the photo, so you could imagine yourself standing there in the line as hungry as these people were. This also helped me grab out the colors of the food and make the photo “pop” more. This took place about 6 in the evening, so the lighting was easy to work with as the sun was going down. This shown me that there are other ways to photograph food besides the set-up typical food photograph.

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